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The Prosperity Gospel: Only A Clarion Call!

The Reaction: A Theological Resurgence

            The period from the 1950s to the 2000s almost feels like how you might react after a hangover. You get up after a blinding headache, look around and see how much of a mess has been made (in this case it is a huge mess), and then try to remember what exactly happened to get to this point. I think most sincere Christians would agree that the church is not in a good place. Also, I think most sincere Christians would agree that the church was in a better place in the 1950s than it is today, where there was a lot more openness towards Christianity than there is today. However, due to a comfortability within the church (among other things), the prophetic presence of the church dwindled immensely, which gave a foundation for atheistic institutions to flourish, giving way for the seeker-sensitive movement and the prosperity gospel. The prosperity gospel was such a horrible heresy for the church in America that it spawned a theological revival in the church. Christians in America began to delve deeper into theology and began to wake up to the need to be more theologically sound. God used this heresy in a truly miraculous way to refine the church in America. Now, the prosperity gospel has become a laughingstock among the church.

The Prosperity Gospel is Virtually Dead, Now What?

            Although the prosperity gospel is still virtually dead, there is now something evil under the sun. It seems like Christians still think that the war on the prosperity gospel is ongoing while the opposite is true. There is no shame in fighting a hostile enemy, but there is shame in shooting its dead body. Furthermore, it feels like now that we have won against that heresy, we are comfortable with just that victory as if there are no more enemies at the gates. We have forgotten about the Philistines, the Edomites, and the Moabites. Are we such losers that we think that one win makes us superstars? The 1972 Philadelphia 76ers had 30 wins but it is still considered one of their worst seasons in the NBA. We have forgotten that the church is not a country club, it is an army and there are plenty of enemies that need to be under the Lord’s feet. Jesus is the Lord and is Lord over every institution and every person.

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