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The Perverted Dominionist

-Marching Orders

Friendly Fire

Finding a man that has actual drive and passion these days. We live in a generation of pacified and passive men. What's unfortunate is the same is true of those who run in Post-Millennial circles. These men should have more drive than all others because they believe in victory and have the theology to back it up! It's a strange reality that a lot of men have the head knowledge but practically do nothing about it.

This is true of the writer of this article as well. For the longest time, I had the head knowledge that I had arrived at the right theological conclusion, but it never left my own head. The last few years have been years of repentance in my own life and in some ways it is still ongoing. In this blog, I hope to pinpoint why this is a reality, encourage men to overcome it and have them join the culture war.

Nuclear Fallout

When you take a step back, you can fully appreciate the strange times that we live in. Throughout all of human history society was basically agrarian. All work and productivity took place within the household. Which meant that young men would be trained by and take up the trades of their fathers. It wasn't until the industrial revolution that fathers were brought out of the household, and the young men were separated. This has spiraled in current times. Our culture today has so de-emphasized fatherhood that men either grow up without a father, or even when they have a father a majority of the time they are away.

The reason this is important is that boys need fathers to teach them the things of manhood. This relates to the topic today in one major way, boys need fathers to teach them self-discipline in a way that mothers can-not. Men face their own set of temptations that only a father can understand. With the destruction of the household, many boys have never truly matured into manhood. Even worse than that, the temptations in our culture are far worse and on full display whereas in the past you would have to put much more effort to seek it out.


There are two vices we should focus on. The first is video games. I can remember listening to Paul Washer and John Piper criticizing video games and I remember becoming frustrated. Why? Because playing video games isn't a sin! Looking back, however, I can see how much of my free time was spent in a fake world. Are video games a sin? No, however, most people that play them are in sin. Men are created to take dominion, however, boys stay glued to the screen. Before you think you've been let off the hook because you have a job, give me some time, you'll get cut as well.

Many working men are still sluggards. You can have a job and still be a sluggard. You can come home after a day of work, and be a sluggard. Just because you have free time doesn't give you the excuse to neglect culture building. The world is burning around us while we play Zelda. We have a battle to fight, and the soldiers are distracted playing cards in the tents. Make no mistake, they want you pacified, men are a threat, men are dangerous. Do what God created you to do, bring order out of disorder. We are living in a culture intent on disorder and self-destruction. Are you going to allow it to destroy you and your family, church, and city?

The second issue is pornography. Before I hop into this I want you to know that I truly feel for you. Men are wired for creating families through the act of sex. Therefore it is natural for us to respond to sexual stimuli. In the right context, sexual stimuli are good and godly. Men have a sex drive meant to build families with their wives. Unfortunately, our culture has perverted this. In the past men would have to go out of their way to purchase pornography. Now it finds you. It's everywhere billboards, TV, social media, etc. Be on social media for any amount of time and the whores will find you. It can seem an insurmountable task, men that face this struggle feel beaten down, but you can overcome it.

The first thing to know is these women hate you. They want to destroy you, and they are making money off of you by selling their souls to the devil. Do you really want to spill your seed for them? They know it will pacify you. It will suck away your masculine energy and will make you feel shame which will hinder you from any meaningful culture building. Understand that it is not your fault that they are doing this, it is not your fault that these things tempt you. Know that you are not a slave to them, but to Christ (Rom 6), and you can overcome it. Surround yourself with men who will push you towards self-discipline without bullying you for what comes naturally. You were made with a built-in sex drive.

Off the Couch and Into the Arena

Dominion is a good and basic biblical principle, it's time to live as you believe it. Nothing is more shameful than a perverted dominionist. Head knowledge with no fruit is useless. Don't be passive, fight with us, hop in the arena. Men who share this drive are rare, but the more that men rise up and fight these things, the easier it is to protect our brothers and children from the same vices. Or you can stay on the couch, but know that if you do, you are not a man, you're still a boy. You are directly responsible for the world that is currently on fire.

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