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Adam: A Man of Passion


This a new series where I want to go into a brief biography of a person in the Bible. It’s not going to be super in-depth but, I want to go over how the person was passionate towards God or had his passions swayed by diverse desires. What better than to start with the first Adam (literally “man” in Hebrew)? Usually in a biographical paper or book, the author adds details about the person’s parents and his ancestry. But in this case, Adam is literally the first man to walk on the Earth. Adam was made in a garden called Eden, located in a mountain (see ancient Jewish thought). In Eden he was made by the Father and the Son from the “dust” (Genesis 2:7; John 1:3) of the ground and given energy from the Spirit (compare Genesis 2:7 with John 20:22). With this Adam was endowed with: the ability to think comprehensively, the ability to act morally and be morally accountable, the ability to act with free will (a will not corrupted by sin), the authority to be God’s representative on Earth, a soul, and most importantly harmony with God. God made a bloodless covenant with Adam (and his offspring) to “have dominion” over all of creation, “subduing” it to his will (which was harmonious with God) and to “fill” this Earth with more dominators and subduers so that they can do things to God’s glory. This statement pulled from chapter one of Genesis is a broad statement of what God meant.The statement includes: to make the landscape more productive, to make the animals more productive, to act in religious ceremony with God, not to eat of the fruit of good and evil, and to protect the land from foreign invaders (see Genesis 2-3). To go against this covenant meant death to him and his wife, since he was the head of her.

A Tale of Desires

As previously stated, Adam had a free will, not in the sense that he could override God’s plans and foreknowledge, but in the sense that his desires were free from the constraints of sin and had the ability to perform good works in conjunction with the Spirit. Therefore, he had rightly ordered passions and was created with the passion to serve God, it would take an alien force to twist Adam’s passion. In Genesis three, the fall of mankind would start as an evil foreign animal dominated and subdued Eve by convincing her to eat the fruit that God had commanded the human race not to eat. Then, Eve subdued her husband to eat the fruit. To the fleshly minded, a minor action; but to us who are spiritual, it is cosmic treason since there a multiple evil acts that our ancestors committed in this one act. Firstly, they disregarded the covenant of the Lord and convinced themselves that to break the covenant was but a light thing. Secondly, they chose their own autonomy; by doing eating the fruit they chose to decide what is moral according to their own standard and not to the only good God. Thirdly, Adam shirked his responsibilities as a man and did not protect his wife from the snake, thus he relinquished his role as the head of the family and left his household open to rebellion. Furthermore, as Adam was the federal head of all of humanity his descendants would be given over to a sin nature in which their will would be bond to sin and be unable to do any righteousness including repentance and faith. Lastly, he would give this world over to satan so much so that this little serpent would transform into a dragon (see Revelation 12) and would reign until Jesus bound him. It was for all these reasons and more that God cursed the world and had to reinstate man as the head of the household. However, God reeled back the affections of man with graciousness and the promise of savior, the Last Adam.


The first lesson that should be proposed is for the reader to place their faith in the second Adam. Be a partaker in the Covenant of Grace and be filled with the Spirit, God’s plan of redemption includes restoring this world back to it’s original and better design, therefore be a partaker in this design. Second lesson; continually realign your desires with God, we who have the Spirit are able now to please God, therefore continually align your desires with God through the word. Third lesson; men you are to be the dominators, conquerors and fillers of this world, act like it. Shout to the world that you are claiming your land for Christ! Twist this world towards God’s desires and fill this land with disciples of Christ. You want this world to get better, fill it with Christians! Lastly, protect your family, your church, your nation from the world; send these demons masquerading as people back to shadows!

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